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Kernel Panic - A kernel panic is a type of error that occurs when the core kernel of an operating system receives an instruction in an unexpected format or that it fails to handle properly. When this happens in either Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server, white text on a black background is drawn on top of the last video image on the monitor before the error occurred. A kernel panic can also be caused by damaged or incompatible software or, more rarely, damaged or incompatible hardware.
Kernel - The complete Mac OS X core operating-system environment, which includes Mach, BSD, the I/O Kit, file systems, and networking components. Also called the kernel environment.
Key Frame Rate - The frequency with which key frames are placed into temporally compressed data sequences.
Key Frame - A sample in a sequence of temporally compressed samples that does not rely on other samples in the sequence for any of its information. Key frames are placed into temporally compressed sequences at a frequency that is determined by the key frame rate.
Key Number - A number put along the edge of the film that identifies each exposed frame. Also known as edge code. Edge code refers to frame counting codes found on the film edge. May be either the latent key numbers used by Cinema Tools or ink numbers added to the edge of workprints. Key numbers are typically superimposed by the telecine onto the edge of the video frames. Cinema Tools uses key numbers to help match digital edits back to the original camera negative. Key numbers consist of a key prefix, which is unchanging throughout an entire roll of film, and a frame number, which consists of a footage number and a frame count number. It also often has a frame type identifier. For example, in the key number KJ 291010 5867 +07 B, the key prefix is KJ 291010, the frame number is 5867 +07, and the frame type identifier is B.
Key Word - A word you designate when you're entering data information into certain kinds of data base applications. Later, when you want to retrieve that information, you type the key word.
Key - An arbitrary value usually a string used to locate a datum in a data structure such as a dictionary.
Keyboard Buffer - A special part of memory where keypresses are stored until the computer is ready to act on them.
Keyboard-Based Application - An application that accepts input from a keyboard.
Keyboard - One way to communicate with the computer. It looks like the keyboard on a typewriter, but programmers can make the keys do anything they want them to.
Keycode - In the Cinema Tools interface, the Keycode is the eight-character key prefix that consists of two letters and six digits, and is constant throughout a roll of film. For example, for the key number KJ 291010 5867 +07B, the Keycode is KJ291010.
Keynum - In the Cinema Tools interface, the Keynum is the second part of the key number for the first frame of the clip. It identifies where the frame appears in the camera roll by listing how many feet or half feet and how many frames into the roll the frame occurs. For example, for the key number KJ 291010 5867+07 B, the Keynum is 5867+07.
Key-Value Coding - The mechanism that allows the properties in enterprise objects to be accessed by name that is, as key-value pairs by other parts of the application.
kHz - kilohertz.
Kilobit - One thousand bits. Abbreviation-Kb
Kilobyte - One thousand (actually 1024) bytes.
K-Stands for kilobyte. The unit of measurement for computer memory-1 K equals 1024 bytes, and it takes one byte to make one character. The Apple IIgs has 256K of RAM random-access memory, expandable by 1 to 8 megabytes with a memory expansion card, and 128K of ROM read-only memory.