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L1 - level 1 or first level, a type of CPU cache.
L2 - level 2 or second level, a type of CPU cache.
Label - A strip of paper you stick on a disk to identify it.
LAN (local area network) - A network maintained within a facility, as opposed to a WAN (wide area network) that links geographically separated facilities.
Language Card - An interface card with 16K RAM that can be connected to a 48K Apple II Plus so the computer can operate in Integer BASIC the first dialect of BASIC available for the Apple II computer and Applesoft BASIC.
Laser Printer - A printer that produces typeset-quality printing using laser technology.
Latent Key Number - A number added to the film edge during its manufacturing process. Also known as latent edge code.
Launch - Start an application.
Layer - A mechanism for prioritizing the tracks in a movie or the overlapping of sprites. When it plays a movie, QuickTime displays the movie's images according to their layer-images with lower layer numbers are displayed on top; images with higher layer numbers may be obscured by images with lower layer numbers.
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) - A standard client-server protocol for accessing a directory domain.
Lease Period - A limited period of time during which IP addresses are assigned. By using short leases, DHCP can reassign IP addresses on networks that have more computers than available IP addresses.
LED - light emitting diode.
Left Arrow - A key you can press in most applications to move the cursor one character to the left. In some applications, as the cursor moves to the left, it erases characters.
Light Pen - A peripheral device shaped like a pen that sends instructions to the computer when you point to choices on the screen. It works only with applications designed to receive input from the light pen.
Line Break - The end of a line of text on the screen or on a printed page. You can force a line break by pressing Return, or you can let the application break lines for you.
Line Feed - Abbreviated LF. An advance to the next line.
LISP - A programming language.
Load Balancing - The process of distributing the demands by client computers for network services across multiple servers in order to optimize performance by fully utilizing the capacity of all available servers.
Load - To read data or programs into the computer from a disk.
local Area Network LAN - A communications network that serves users within a defined geographical area, usually for sharing access to files, printers, storage devices, and Internet- and intranet-based services.
Local Domain - A directory domain that can be accessed only by the computer on which it resides.
Local Home Directory - A home directory for a user whose account resides in a local NetInfo or LDAPv3 directory domain.
Local Router - An internet router used to connect AppleTalk networks that are in close proximity to each other. The local router is directly connected to each of the AppleTalk networks that it links.
Localization - The adaptation of a software product, including online help and documentation, for use in one or more regions of the world, in addition to the region for which the original product was created. Localization of software can include translation of user-interface text, resizing of text-related graphical elements, and replacement or modification of user-interface images and sound. Also known as internationalization.
LocalTalk - A type of AppleTalk network that is inexpensive and easy to set up. LocalTalk is commonly used to connect small- to medium-sized workgroups.
Locking - A mechanism to ensure that data isn't modified by more than one user at a time and that data isn't read as it is being modified.
Log In - When you first set up Mac OS X, you do not need to log in to your computer. If you want to log in each time you start up your computer, open System Preferences, click Login, click Login Window, and deselect Automatically log in. You can also turn off automatic login when you create a new user for the computer.
Log On - To establish contact with a computerized information service or other remote computer.
Logic Board - Also called the motherboard. The main circuit board of a microcomputer. The logic board contains the connectors for attaching additional boards. Typically, the logic board contains the CPU, BIOS, memory, mass storage interfaces, serial and parallel ports, expansion slots, and all the controllers required to control standard peripheral devices, such as the display screen, keyboard, and disk drive.
Logo - A computer language that encourages learning through discovery. Easy and fun to learn, but powerful enough for serious programming.
Look - In Direct to Web applications, one of three user interface styles. The looks differ in both layout and appearance. method In object-oriented programming, a procedure that can be executed by an object.
Low Resolution - A graphics mode that can display information using a rectangular array of 40 horizontal by 48 vertical blocks.
LPR Line Printer Remote - A standard protocol for printing over TCP/IP.
LPT - little plastic thingies.